Women’s Health in Women’s Hands Community Health Centre tiene el honor de invitarle a una conversación-lectura de poesia con Georgina Herrera Cardenas, destacada exponente de la literatura afro-cubana-caribeña feminista. Favor leer mensaje adjunto para mayores detalles del perfil y produccion literaria de Georgina.
Cuando: Viernes 8 de Junio a las 2:30 pm
Lugar: 2 Carlton Street, Suite 500
El evento sera conducido en Ingles y Español.
Women’s Health in Women’s Hands Community Health Centre is honoured to host an afternoon conversation-poetry reading with Georgina Herrera Cardenas, one of the most important representatives of African Caribbean Feminist Literature. Please read below for more information on Georgina’s bio and artistic production.
When: Friday June 8 at 2:30 pm
Where: 2 Carlton Street Suite 500
This event will be bilingual (English and Spanish)
For more information call (416) 593-7655 and ask for Claudia or Mercedes
Georgina Herrera Cardenas
Georgina Herrera was born in Jovellanos, Province of Matanzas, Cuba on the 23rd of April, 1936. She has been living in Havana since 1962, working in radio. She has written novels, short stories, and theater scripts for this medium, emphasizing in them women's realities as well as black women's problems.
Georgina has participated in various international events in radio, on African issues, and on women.
She received prizes in radio and literature as a poet. Her poems have been studied in universities in England, Canada, and the United States.
She is currently working on a project concerning the presence of women in the media so as to participate in the Spanish American Women's meeting to be celebrated in Havana.
She recently returned from New York, where she participated in the Yari Yari African women writers' conference.
For the past two years, she has written a show for Cuban television, Te Lo Cuentan Las Estrellas ("The Stars Tell You About It"), which concerns women's issues around the world and during all times.
Georgina Herrera can be found at UNEAC, the National Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba or at home.
Georgina Herrera nació en Jovellanos, Matanzas, el 23 de abril de 1936.
Ha dedicado más de 40 años a la poesía, no sólo en su obra poética, sino en su obra novelística radial, cuentística, teatral, porque en todo está presente la poesía.
Cuando: Viernes 8 de Junio a las 2:30 pm
Lugar: 2 Carlton Street, Suite 500
El evento sera conducido en Ingles y Español.
Women’s Health in Women’s Hands Community Health Centre is honoured to host an afternoon conversation-poetry reading with Georgina Herrera Cardenas, one of the most important representatives of African Caribbean Feminist Literature. Please read below for more information on Georgina’s bio and artistic production.
When: Friday June 8 at 2:30 pm
Where: 2 Carlton Street Suite 500
This event will be bilingual (English and Spanish)
For more information call (416) 593-7655 and ask for Claudia or Mercedes
Georgina Herrera Cardenas
Georgina Herrera was born in Jovellanos, Province of Matanzas, Cuba on the 23rd of April, 1936. She has been living in Havana since 1962, working in radio. She has written novels, short stories, and theater scripts for this medium, emphasizing in them women's realities as well as black women's problems.
Georgina has participated in various international events in radio, on African issues, and on women.
She received prizes in radio and literature as a poet. Her poems have been studied in universities in England, Canada, and the United States.
She is currently working on a project concerning the presence of women in the media so as to participate in the Spanish American Women's meeting to be celebrated in Havana.
She recently returned from New York, where she participated in the Yari Yari African women writers' conference.
For the past two years, she has written a show for Cuban television, Te Lo Cuentan Las Estrellas ("The Stars Tell You About It"), which concerns women's issues around the world and during all times.
Georgina Herrera can be found at UNEAC, the National Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba or at home.
Georgina Herrera nació en Jovellanos, Matanzas, el 23 de abril de 1936.
Ha dedicado más de 40 años a la poesía, no sólo en su obra poética, sino en su obra novelística radial, cuentística, teatral, porque en todo está presente la poesía.
Ha escrito GH (1963); Gentes y cosas (1974); Granos de sol y luna (1977); Grande es el tiempo (1989); Gustadas sensaciones (1996) y Gritos (2004). En cada de uno de estos poemarios se encuentra la más honda raíz de la creación femenina cubana.
El tema de la identidad racial y cultural también adquiere en sus obras presencia dominante, manifestándose de diversas maneras.
Georgina Herrera forma parte de la Sección de Literatura y preside la Sección de Radio, ambas de la Unión de Escritores y Artistas de Cuba (UNEAC), y es miembro de su Consejo Nacional.
Ha formado parte de jurados de concursos literarios y también de festivales de radio nacionales.
Ostenta la Distinción por la Cultura Nacional, así como las medallas Raúl Gómez García y Alejo Carpententier.
Para mayor informacion llamar al (416)593-7655 y preguntar por Claudia o Mercedes
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